The Reindeer Have Landed!!

I am so happy to be a part of a super fun “Shoebox Christmas Gift Exchange”. Each year, a group of happy, funny, quilty friends swap names and pack boxes for another member of the group. The whole year feels like Christmas because we each buy things to fill our friend’s box all year long.

This year my box came from my quilting Sister Deanna @ Wedding Dress Blue in Utah. I know I should have waited until Christmas to open my box, but I couldn’t wait!

Just look at my amazing gifts!! I am so excited and happy about everything Deanna included.❤️❤️ I love the Riley Blake charm packs, the notebook, and of course the chocolate. She included a pattern and a quilting magazine as well.

She quilted these bright pot holders and stitched up a needle case for me. How did she know that I really needed both of these?

My appliqué and embroidery is going to be a whole lot easier now!

Deanna and I are both members of The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints. She knew that I would love to read this book about enjoying the simple things of life each and every day.

I am looking forward to a quiet morning to sit, relax, and read. Now that is a gift!

She also included a lot of depression era fabric along with a started wedding ring top. What?! Woo hoo!!! I have always wanted to make a wedding ring quilt. Now I have one already started for me. I am the luckiest girl ever!

There are quite a few other wonderful goodies like an embroidered girl, and a playful kitty square, but I think my favorite item is the truly authentic fabric remnant from January 1940!

I am going to place this piece in a special place in my workroom just to remind me of the quilters of times past. These ladies didn’t have rotary cutters, digital sewing machines, acrylic rulers, or self healing mats. Yet they still created lovely quilt. I have so Sew much to be grateful for!!!

Thank you Deanna for such a SWEET box! I am truly grateful for my blessings of friends and especially quilty friends❤️❤️. I hope you all are too:)

34 thoughts on “The Reindeer Have Landed!!

  1. Hi Tracy! That fabric from 1940 just gives me the chills. From a time that we were at war is just amazing that it stuck around with it’s price tag! How cool is that?!! What a fun idea. Enjoy all your treasures. Happy Happy Friday to you. ~smile~ Roseanne

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  2. I enjoyed seeing the contents of your treasure box. Deanna is a wonderful person, I adore her blog and follow along.
    As with yours, I do not always comment bc I am always rushing someplace. (95 year old dad, ❤️Hubbs, 4 grand babies etc etc) but I am so happy to have found both of you. Deanna is sweet, and you are just as sweet

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You certainly had a lovely shoebox! So many wonderful goodies and beautiful fabrics. You piece of vintage fabric with price tag is fabulous…you will have fun framing and mounting it for display in your quilting room!!


  4. Deanna did an amazing job for your box. I love the book so much. She was such a wonderful woman. Have you noticed that every prophet’s wife is an amazing woman? They are almost as inspiring as their husbands when they speak. Somewhere in storage (I hope!) I still have some actual 1930s and 1940s feedsacks acquired for a specific project. It is awesome to touch something that has lived longer than I have – and getting harder all the time to find anything. LOL

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    1. I agree about the women who love, inspire, and support these men in their sacred callings. I am inspired and grateful to them❤️. —on the fabric note, feed sacks are THE iconic fabric of the depression era!! Lucky lucky you! 😊👍🏻


  5. That is so cool. Im sure y’all enjoy looking for neat items to add in each other’s boxes. All the items you received are so awesome and thoughtful. Thanks for sharing. Enjoy your day! 🙂 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are so SWEET!! I have many quilting sisters here online. I feel so close to you Quilters that you are my quilting family. My actual sister does not quilt or sew. I am very grateful for you my online quilting soul mates❤️❤️❤️


  6. Oh Tracy, what a thrill. Your quilty friend put so much thought and variety into your package. Everywhere my eyes landed in your photo, I was like 😍. The kitty print, embroidered lady and the little needle book really caught my eye. Authentic ‘40’s fabric is gorgeous and what? .25 cents? Inflation really is something, isn’t it? 😋
    You are blessed. 💕❤️😊

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