HQAL Progress

Good morning! It is very early on this Sabbath morning. It rained last night and it is cool. The roosters are crowing and the first patches of light are peaking through my window. It is a beautiful day.

I am reflecting on all the good in my life. I definitely focus on my family and loved ones, but I also feel gratitude for my talents. I have been able to sew a few more stitches on my Simple Folks quilt. They are so pretty:)!

The leaves and centers are really pulling everything together nicely.

I finished five blocks and have eight more to go. Then— I have four corner blocks and time to sew them all together. I’m almost, almost there! Yes, I have so much to be thankful for:)

I hope you are having a lovely Sunday as well and finding a moment to reflect on God’s wonders and blessings in your life.

This Hand Quilt Along is an opportunity for hand quilters and piecers to share and motivate one another. We post every three weeks, to show our progress and encourage one another.  If you have a hand quilting project and would like to join our group contact Kathy at the link below.

Kathy, Margaret, Tracy, Deb, Susan, Nanette, Edith, Sharon, Karrin, Gretchen, Kathi, Daisy, Connie, Monica and Sherrie

24 thoughts on “HQAL Progress

  1. So so beautiful, Tracy! This is a quilt you will cherish for many years. It’s getting to be like an old friend! We are so blessed when we stop and think about it, thank you for reminding us to do that!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Such a beautiful quilt, matching your thoughts on todays posting. There are so many layers to each block, quite like the layers of our lives. A lovely Sabbath to you and a great coming week 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh how lucky you are! Having children near is such a blessing. It’s part of life to have them leave, and I agree, it is nice to get the quality time with our spouse. Good times for sure. Thank you once again. Have a super day!!❤️❤️


  3. The moment I saw the first picture on this post, I exclaimed out loud “how beautiful”! Your quilt is so lovely and you are so close to finishing! We are not yet empty nesters, but close and the hubby and I are really enjoying time together – just the two of us. Most of mind are close by and we are still getting together for dinner once a week which is a huge blessing.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Those look great, Tracy! You have such a variety of things you work on. I think it must make the beds in your house very interesting.


  5. Hi, Tracy!

    I’ve been looking forward to seeing a post from you but, since there hasn’t been one, I thought I’d just check on you to be sure that you and your family are alright. Hope that all is well! Eileen

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Eileen:)—. Thank you so much for thinking of me. Truly, your kind thoughts brought a tear to my eye. I have been very sick these past few months. I am starting to feel a bit better though and hope my creative juices will be going again. My fingers are finally able to bend but not much strength yet. Doctors don’t know what is wrong. I must admit it has been a long, hard summer. That is probably more information than you wanted, but I do appreciate the check in. Bless you❤️❤️


  6. Tracy—I’m so sorry to hear this! I just had a sense that something might be wrong. I do, however, know “the drill” about the doctors not knowing what is wrong, let alone knowing how to fix the problem.

    I will add you to my very long “prayer list.” Hoping that you will have a quick and complete recovery. Sending you a HUG, Eileen


  7. Hi, Tracy!

    Just checking on you again and hoping that you are much better than when I last wrote!

    I haven’t gotten very far on my “witches” but I did take your excellent advice and traced all three panels at the same time! That was so smart! They have been ready for the “white crayon layer” since before the pandemic hit but I never got any further.

    Still praying for your health to return. Best Wishes, Eileen


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